Over the last two years, there has been a significant rise in online Health & Safety Training due to working from home becoming the new normal. And for many businesses, online training was a great way to keep their employees updated on Health and Safety. However, even though online training served a purpose during the peak of the pandemic, nothing can compare to the face-to-face interaction in the classroom between experienced trainers and delegates.

But the big question is, should you attend Open or In-House Health & Safety Training Courses?


What is an Open Course?

Open courses are training events that are open to employees of any business to attend. These are often generic courses so organisations and employees from any sector can all attend together.


Open Courses: What are the added benefits?

Learning from other companies’ experiences –

Many opportunities can arise during an open course as delegates can pick up on the experiences of how other businesses approach Health and Safety, as well as good Health and Safety initiatives. It is also a great way to see how other companies have got their employees to “buy-in” to Health and Safety as it can be a tricky subject to tackle.

Better concentration –

Open courses are a great way to get delegates away from their everyday job and into a new setting, and in doing so, it will help them to concentrate on the subject at hand.

Develop new skills –

The IOSH Health & Safety Group Training Courses we offer aim to inform staff on working safely to ensure their actions contribute to health and safety, as well as provide the necessary core skills to enable managers to review organisational standards, critically examine work systems, and develop a safety-based work ethic.


What is an In-House Course?

In-house training courses are tailored specifically for your organisation. You will have a trainer come into your business/chosen location, and they will outline the particular Health and Safety responsibilities needed within your company.


In-House Courses: What are the added benefits?

Tailored to you –

An in-house training program is practical and convenient for many businesses. With bespoke courses, using the IOSH programme we have to follow, we can tailor certain elements of the programme specifically to your company.

Outline specific issues –

With in-house courses, you can confidently discuss any specific issues discreetly with the trainer. Together, you can look over the solutions that best fit you and your business whilst adhering to your cooperation’s Health and Safety needs.

Flexibility –

To make it that little bit easier, we will come to your business whenever is suitable for you, making it even easier to fit in with shifts and staff availability.

We have a range of open IOSH training courses available. These are:

  • IOSH Working Safely – Monday 16th May 2022.
  • IOSH Managing Safely – 12th, 13th, 19th & 20th May 2022.
  • IOSH Refresher – Wednesday 18th May 2022.

Click here for more information on the range of courses we have on offer.

If you would like to know a little more about the In-House or Open Health & Safety Training Courses we deliver, or if you are still struggling to decide which course would be better for you then feel free to get in touch – we’d welcome a conversation with you.


If you would like to discuss any of the In-House or Open Health & Safety Training we have on offer, contact us on 0117 986 2194 or at info@linebsl.com.